Bermuda Gambling Laws
Hamilton, Bermuda: Casino hotels and other gaming information regarding the latest gaming news, holdem tourneys, slot machine details, parimutuel (greyhounds & horses), to name a few subjects. Vital information and pictures of most casinos in Hamilton. This is the official site for Bermuda Acts and Statutory Instruments. Bermuda Laws Online contains both Consolidated Laws as amended up to 20th January 2021 and Annual (Historic) Laws from 1993. It is updated regularly by the Drafting Section of the Attorney-General's Chambers.
Employment & Labour Laws and Regulations 2020. ICLG - Employment & Labour Law covers common issues in employment and labour laws and regulations – terms and conditions of employment, employee representation and industrial relations, discrimination, maternity and family leave rights and business sales – in 51 jurisdictions. The Italian Parliament (Italian: Parlamento italiano) is the national parliament of the Italian Republic.It is the representative body of Italian citizens and is the successor to the Parliament of the Kingdom of Italy (1861–1946), the transitional National Council (1945-1946) and the Constituent Assembly (1946-1948).
Regulations governing casino gambling have been published by the Bermuda Casino Gaming Commission — four years after a new law cleared the way for a trio of casino-resorts on the island.
Is There A Casino In Bermuda

The 94-page set of rules address various topics including approval of gaming equipment and the licensing of...

A controversial amendment to Bermuda’s gaming law aimed at bringing the independent Bermuda Casino Gaming Commission under government...
Bermuda Casino Gaming Commission (BCGC) executive director Richard Schuetz has resigned for “personal and professional reasons” less than...
May 4, 2010UBP Leader Kim Swan has released a statement on behalf of the UBP which alludes to the need for a referendum on the issue, and also says “Our position is that we do not believe gaming as pushed by the PLP Government is in the best interests of Bermuda or its people“.
Bermuda Laws Online
Saying the UBP has ”carefully considered the pros and cons” and that they ”do not believe the small potential benefits of gambling cited by the Government out-weigh the substantial risks to the social fabric.”
The subject has been very controversial, with hoteliers, the Premier and others strongly in support of the concept, and the religious community strongly against. According to the Green Paper, gambling would add nearly 3,000 jobs and up to $146 million a year to Bermuda’s economy. You can read the full 79 page study here. Gaming will be debated in the House this coming Friday, although no vote will be taken.

Mr Swan’s full statement follows below:
Our caucus has carefully considered the pros and cons of gaming in Bermuda after reviewing the PLP Government’s Green Paper on the subject, holding public meetings and talking with people on doorsteps across the island. Our position is that we do not believe gaming as pushed by the PLP Government is in the best interests of Bermuda or its people.
We appreciate the difficult financial position the hotel industry is in – and have spoken many times of actions needed to help hotels – but even the strongest supporters recognize that casino gambling is not a panacea for the challenges facing the industry. Much hard work needs to be done to improve tourism in Bermuda and we will be happy to work with the hospitality sector to do whatever is necessary to restore it to health. This must be the focus.
But we do not believe the small potential benefits of gambling cited by the Government out-weigh the substantial risks to the social fabric and the economic integrity of our island.
Nonetheless, our members will be listening and participating in the debate on the Green Paper as members voice their views. The Green Paper is, after all, a discussion paper. Government then sets out its position in a White Paper, which follows after a reasonable period of reflection and consideration of the widespread discussion this exercise produces, taking into account the various views expressed.
Bermuda Gambling Laws
This is a national issue and our position, ultimately, is that it should be decided by the entire community. The one way people can truly participate is by way of a referendum. Holding referendum on matters of national importance is a fundamental plank in our platform of better governance for Bermuda.