Types Of Craps
Home / Types of Craps. 3 September Harry Long Craps. There are several modes within this game. Many of them are distinguished by the table or the betting variants. In the online casino, the number of users may vary and you can even enjoy multiplayer modes or play against the website itself. This article will help as we cover everything you need to know to play craps in a live casino or online. We explain the main objective of the game, the craps table, the betting layout, and the basic rules. We also introduce the different types of bets.
Altogether there are more than thirty-five different specific bets that a craps player can make while at the craps table. Some of these bets are much more advantageous than others for a player who wants to make some money back on their game. A few bets have very low house edges, while others have unreasonably high house edges and are better to be avoided. In any case, a player needs to know the overall list of possible bets that are at her disposal, should she choose to use them at the craps table.
Craps bet types can be categorized by two overarching forms of bets, single or one-roll bets and sequence bets. One roll bets are those whose outcome is based solely on the next immediate dice roll. Most proposition, field and other unique variety bets are single roll bets.
Sequence bets on the other hand are those bets that either require several dice rolls, or a shooter’s whole turn before the bets are declared winning or losing and cleared from the table. Bets that can ride over several rounds are also sequence bets. The most common sequence bets are right and wrong pass and come bets, place bets and hardways bets.
In order to keep this plethora of bets organized, we’ll start with the first standard craps bet types that can or must be placed at a craps table. From there, we’ll address each bet in order by category of bet.
Line Bets
Line bets are those placed at the Pass Line, the edge line circling the outer loop of the craps table and include the simplest and most used bets in craps.
Pass Line Bet or Pass Bet
The most frequently used craps bet, a pass line bet is an even-money bet made only on the come out (initial) roll of a shooter’s round. Pass bets are “right” bets, made with the shooter in hopes that the shooter will roll a 7 or 11 to win the bet, or hit a point. If the shooter rolls 2, 3 or 12 the bet loses. Winning payouts are 1:1.
Don’t Pass Line Bet
The opposite of the Pass Line bet and also frequently used, the don’t pass bet is also made during the shooter’s come out roll. Don’t pass bets are “wrong” bets against the player, expecting the shooter to roll craps, a 2, 3 or 12. If the shooter does roll 2 or 3, the bet wins. Rolls of 7 or 11 lose. If the shooter rolls a 12, it is counted as a don’t pass point and requires the next roll to be a 7 to win the bet. Payouts on winning bets are 1:1.
The house edge on pass line bets is one of the lowest, only 1.41%. For don’t pass bets, the house edge drops again slightly to 1.36%, making it the second lowest house edge bet after free odds bets. These are very good bets to make consistently.
Come Bets
Come bets are the post come out roll line bets, that call for a natural or point roll to come to pass or bets those rolls won’t (don’t) come to pass.
Come Bet
: Anytime after the come out roll establishes a point, a come bet is similar to the pass bet. The bet pays out when the shooter rolls a 7 or 11 but loses when a 2, 3 or 12 shows. This bet also is used with the point, stating that a shooter will roll the same point number before rolling a seven. Come bets are right bets and may be placed or removed at any time. Payouts are 1:1 even money on a winning come bet.
Don’t Come Bet
The wrong bet that is the opposite to the come bet, a don’t come bet wins if the shooter shows a 2 or 3 roll but loses money on a natural. Rolling 12 is a tie. Additionally, the don’t come bet can bet against the shooter once the point is established. This wrong bet on the “Come Point” is the bet that the shooter will roll a seven before rolling the point and wins if the seven does show first. Again, winning bets have an even money payout of 1:1.
The house edge on come bets matches that of pass line bets at 1.41%. Also, for don’t come bets, the house edge matches don’t pass bets at 1.36%. Just like, pass/don’t pass, come/don’t come bets are very good bets to use frequently at the craps table.
Free Odds Bets
Those bets that reduce the house edge to virtually zero, thus offering true odds on a bet rather than casino odds. These are absolutely the best bets to make in craps. Experts recommend taking free odds bets any time you can as a player. Making regular free odds bets are the only way to consistently win at craps.
Behind the Line is the general term given to bets that use free odds to multiply a bet after the come out roll and establishment of the point because these bets are literally placed “behind” the pass line/don’t pass line on the craps table in support of the pass line bets.
Double Odds
The most commonly placed free odds bet is Double Odds, which effectively doubles the amount bet on the original pass/don’t pass or come/don’t come bets.
Triple Odds
A free odds bet that returns three times the amount on the originally placed bet.
Five-Time Odds
The original bet pays out five times the amount when this free odds bet is placed behind the pass, come or don’t pass, don’t come bets.
Ten Times Odds
To earn a maximum payout, a ten times odds bet is made. This free odds bet can earn ten times the initial line bet amount.
In the right betting side, without doubling the odds or more, pass/come free odds bets payout at 2 to 1 for four and ten, 3 to 2 for five and nine, and 6 to 5 on six and eight.
On the wrong side betting, with single odds, the don’t pass/don’t come bets have correlating payout ratios of 1 to 2 on bets against ten and four, 2 to 3 on nine and five, and 5 to 6 on eight and six.
Place Bets
Place bets are made on the specific box numbers, four, five, six, eight, nine and ten, found at the top of the table. A place bet states that the shooter will roll the chosen number before rolling a seven. Place bets are the non-commission equivalent of Buy Bets. A winning place bet pay outs the winning odds, plus returning the original bet. There are six place bets, paired in three groupings based on the odds of payout.
In terms of house edge, place bets are the second best kind of bets to place, featuring a house edge of only 1.56%.
Place Bets on Six or Eight
Since six and eight are the most frequently rolled numbers after seven, place bets on either six or eight payout at 7 to 6 odds. To ensure payouts in even dollar amounts without rounding from the casino, bets should be placed in increments of $6.
Place Bets on Five and Nine
Five and nine are the third highest probability rolls. Place bets on five and nine offer payouts at 7 to 5 odds. With these odds, the best place bets on five and nine are made in increments of $5 for even dollar payouts.
Place Bets of Four and Ten
With lesser probabilities of being rolled than the other numbers, place bets on four and ten have a higher payout rate of 9 to 5. Also, for four and nine place bets, bets placed in increments of $5 will ensure even dollar payout amounts. (Note: To determine even dollar payouts, place bets in the increments of the lowest payout odds. 7:6 uses $6 increments, 9:5 uses $5 increments).
Buy Bet
A Buy Bet is a form of a place bet where the house offers to correct the odds to true odds, but charges a 5% commission rate on the winnings for these odds. The house edge on buy bets is 4.76%. A buy bet wins just like a place bet. If the chosen box number is rolled before a seven, the bet wins.
Buy bets pay better odds than lay bets, but smart players will avoid spending the extra money on buy bets.
Lay Bet
The wrong side counterpart to buy bets, a lay bet is the against shooter bet, stating that he will roll a seven before the established point number. Similarly, the house charges a 5% commission on winning lay bets.
Again, craps experts recommend staying away from lay bets as they are not worth the money.
Field Bets
Field bets are located in the box at the bottom of the table nearest the players. A bet is placed that on the next roll exclusively, the shooter will show a two, three, four, nine, ten, eleven or twelve. Players choose one number per field bet. Field bets are single roll decisions, making them more expensive and risky bets. They pay at even money odds, except that winning bets on 2 or 12 get paid at 2 to 1. The house edge on field bets is high at 5.56%.
Field bets are not the highest house edge, but are still not the most cost-effective bets as a single roll bet. Experts recommend field bets only if you have a little extra money to lose for an occasional “risky bet.”
Proposition Bets
Proposition bets are also called center bets, because they are located in the central section of the craps table. All proposition bets are single roll bets, addressing the outcomes of the next specific shooter roll only. They are the most costly and most risky bets on the table, with the highest house edges of any craps bet. Experts tell players to avoid the “lure” of big payouts and steer clear of ever using proposition bets.
Some proposition bets can be placed directly by players, others must be placed on the table by the dealer or stickman.
Hardway Bets
Hardway bets state that the shooter will roll one of the even numbers: four, six, eight or ten, in a hard combination (two 2′s, two 3′s, two 4′s, two 5′s) before rolling any of those numbers in easyway combination or rolling a seven. Hardway bets are one set placed on the table by the stickman.
Hard Four
Also known as “Little Joe,” has a payout of 7 to 1 on winning bet.
Hard Six
The casino pays winning bets at a 9 to 1 ratio for a hard six.
Hard Eight
Can be called a “Square Pair;” a winning bet pays out at 9 to 1.
Hard Ten
Also has a winning bet payout ratio of 7 to 1.
Hardway bets sit in the central proposition bet section, but they can be sequence bets that continue over more than one roll.
Big 6
In the lower outside corner, the even-money Big 6 bet states that the shooter will roll a six before rolling a seven. The house edge is a huge 9.1% on these corner bets. Players who like six and eight are far better served by making place bets on these numbers.
Big 8
Capitalizing on the second-highest roll probabilities of six and eight, the Big 8 is also an even-money bet, likewise stating that the shooter will roll an eight before a seven.
These are sequence proposition bets that will hold until six or eight shows or until a seven is rolled and the bet loses.
One Roll Proposition Bets
Any 7
Any 7, or “Big Red,” states that the next immediate dice roll will be a seven. Payout for a winning any 7 bet is 4 to 1. The any 7 bet has the absolutely highest house edge on the table at 16.67%.
Any Craps
“Craps” the game name term means a roll of 2, 3 or 12. An any craps bet is the bet that the next single dice roll will show a 2, 3 or 12. Winning payouts are usually 7 to 1. The house edge on an any craps bet is 11.11%.
Horn Bet
A Horn bet sits in the lowest box of the proposition bets. A complete horn bet is a single roll, multi-unit bet, with one part each on 2, 3, 11 and 12. The bet still states that that next roll of the shooter will produce one of these four, least probable numbers. If the bet does win with a roll of 3 or 11, the payout is 15 to 1. If the bet wins with a 2 or 12 showing on the roll, the payout is 30 to 1.
All potential payout odds aside, experts consider this one of the worst craps bets a player can make and recommend thoroughly avoiding it. The house edge is 12.5%.
Horn High Bet
A slightly safer version of the horn bet, the Horn High bet offers odds on a five-unit bet, with two parts betting that the shooter will roll a 12, and one part each betting for the shooter to show 2, 3, or 11. Still, a bet to be avoided rather than embraced.
Service Proposition Bets and other Single Roll Bets
These are all bets that must be placed by one of the craps table staff. Players put down their money and tell the dealer which bet they want to make.
Individual “Craps 2″
Craps 2 is a bet that states the next roll will show a 2. Winning payout is 30 to 1. The house edge is the second highest at 13.89%.
Individual “Craps 3″
A proposition bet stating the next dice roll will produce a 3. If it wins, it pays at 15 to 1. The house edge is 11.11%.
Yo is the nickname for eleven, so it is not misheard in confusion with seven. Yo-eleven bets that 11 will show with the next dice roll. It parallels the probability of a 3 roll, so winning bets pay at the same 15 to 1. The house edge is the same for both, 11.11%.
Individual “Craps 12″
The bet counting on the next roll showing a 12. With the same probabilities as a 2-roll, it also pays out a win at 30 to 1 odds. Again, the same house edge on 12 as on 2, the second highest 13.89%.
C and E bet
Some tables have places for C-E bets, others do not. C-E bets are single roll, proposition bets that predict the next roll will produce either craps (C), a 2 or 3, or an eleven (E). One part of the bet wagers on the Craps side while the part wagers on the eleven. The house edge on C-E bets is 11.11%.
E.T. Bet
Also a one-roll bet that the next roll will produce either 11 or 12. The house edge is between the two probabilities, around 12.5%.

Hi-Lo Bet
Counting on the edges of probability,a hi-lo bet asserts that the next roll will show a 12 or a 2. If it wins, it pays at 15 to 1, but carries the high house edge of 11.11%.
Another bet calling for a variation on the Hi-Lo. This bet places three parts, one each on the next dice roll showing either 2, 11 or 12.

Hope bet, or Hop bet
Again, the specific prediction of the next dice roll, a hope or hop bet states the exact number of the next roll and the combination of numbers on each die. A player might call a bet like, “Four, five hope for a dollar,” meaning they expect a nine roll from a four and five dice combination.
As a very specific single roll bet, these can pay high odds, but they carry a large house advantage and are better left alone.
Hoping Hardway
The combination of a hope bet and a hardway bet that calls for the next roll to be a 2-2 roll totaling a hard four.
Midnight is a one-roll bet asserting that the shooter will roll a twelve on the next throw.
Another one-roll bet, an aces bet calls for snake eyes, that two “1′s” (a 2) will be rolled on the shooter’s next throw.
Other Unique Craps Bets
Inside Bet

The inside box numbers are five, six, eight and nine. A place bet on one of these four numbers is also called an inside bet.
Insurance Bet
Types Of Craps Games
Some players like to ensure their bets will pass, so an insurance bet can come into play. Insurance bets are second bets used to cover the possible loss of a first bet or two bets made at once, hoping that the outcome of both balances as a win not a loss.
A buffalo is a five-part combination bet on all of the hardways (four, six, eight and ten), plus seven or eleven.
Bring Out
A particular hardway bet that helps “bring out” the point by specifically betting on the point number to be rolled in hardway form if it is an even number.
Whirl Bet
Another combination bet (that is far better to be avoided rather than pursued), a whirl bet divides its five part bet between 2, 3, 7, 11 and 12, asserting that the next roll will produce one of those numbers.
Late Bet
Though not a particular bet a player can “make” as such, a late bet is the term given to any bet a player tries to place after the shooter is handed the dice, but before the shooter throws. This in generally considered an unacceptable bet, which may not only irritate fellow players and the craps staff, but may not be allowed at your favorite casino. Don’t try it. Not worth it. Late bets produce worse results in terms of fellow player displeasure than the highest house edges.
So here is your full list of the standard, fascinating and creative craps bet types. Obviously, there are way more bets than any player can use in a single game, and of course, the expert craps recommendation is that more than a few of these are simply ways to hand money to the casino. Most of us prefer the casino handing money to us, so learning and using the low house edge, reliable bets is the wiser way to make your craps bet types payout at long-term winning odds. So, arm yourself with the best of these bets and make your way to the craps table for your turn at the dice. Play well, craps player!
An Introduction to Craps Bets
One of the basic aspects of a craps game is the betting types. There are different kinds of craps bets you can place during the course of a game. There are sections marked out on the craps table where you can place your bet. Before you wager on craps table, you must know the different types of bets involved and how these work.
Learning about the different types of craps bets is not something you can do over a couple of hours, because there are a huge number of craps betting types. For starters, you can go to a website or pick up a book and learn about the different craps betting types. Over time, you will be able to increase your knowledge sufficiently.
An even better way is to supplement what you learn in your tutorial with watching, and possibly even participating, in live craps games. With the basic background already obtained from your tutorial, learning about the different types of craps bets – Pass Line, Don’t Pass Bar 12, etc. becomes that much easier once you watch players during a game and then join a game.
The Different Craps Betting Types
There are many different types of craps bets, and it will not be literally possible to list and also explain all of them in this single article. What we’ll do in this article is list out the major kinds of craps bets and each betting type with thoroughly explained individually
Some of the major types of craps bets are line bets, roll bets, and player bets. Each of these betting types has other types of bets as well. For instance, line bets include pass line bets, don’t pass line bets, pass odds, don’t pass odds, come bets, and don’t come bets.
Roll bets include;
- single roll bets: 2 (Snake Eyes, or Aces),
- 3 (ace-deuce),
- Yo
- 12 (boxcars, also called midnight)
- 2 or 12 (hi-lo)
- Any Craps
- C & E
- Any seven
- field bets
- The Horn
- Whirl or World
- On The Hop
Multi-roll bets include;
- Hard ways
- Easy ways
- Big 6 and Big 8
- Place and Buy
- Lay
Types Of Craps Tables
Player bets, on the other hand, include the Fire Bet.
Different Type Of Crab
To receive further insight into these betting types we have written an article on each particular bet.